Ashtanga Breathing

Correct breathing is vital to your practice. It is the base of every
movement. Listen to your breath and follow its rhythm. Begin
your practice by taking several deep breaths through the nose. In
Ashtanga this kind of breathing is called “Victorious Breath.”
Take long and deep breaths until you hear a hissing sound in the
back of your throat. Keep your mouth closed. Breathing through the
nose warms your body internally. As the body warms it becomes
more flexible and moves easily, like steel bends under the heat of
the fire. If you open your mouth the heat escapes and your body
cools and contracts like hot steel when it is dropped into
cold water. Keep this image in mind and it will help you understand
the significance of breathing through the nose.
In the beginning it may be difficult to stay within the same rhythm of
breathing and maintain an interrupted focus, but I assure you that
it will all fall into place with practice. Experience the aspect of
awareness, the joy of advancing, and the stream of life flowing with
each breath and movement.